
7 Tips to Help You Build Self-Advocacy & Personal Boundaries

I get it! Sometimes it's not easy to voice your opinions or stand up for yourself, especially if you grapple with anxiety and/or depression. When we can't voice our desires, needs, or opinions, we feel powerless and frustrated. Learn how to self-advocate and set boundaries in this article.

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Holidays, Individual Counseling Cheryl Perry Holidays, Individual Counseling Cheryl Perry

Kick Off the New Year with a Positive Mindset

When we think of the New Year, we often think of resolutions, goals, and otherwise things we're looking forward to achieving. We also tend to take into stock what we wanted to do, or what we didn't manage to achieve last year. Maybe things like the money we didn't manage to save, or the weight we didn't lose. When we start thinking like this, we tend to take on a negative mindset and begin to criticize ourselves.

This year, let’s shift our focus away from what we didn’t accomplish and begin the New Year with a more positive outlook.

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Self-Love Cheryl Perry Self-Love Cheryl Perry

The Everyday Thanksgiving: Incorporating Small Gratitude into Your Life

Thanksgiving is a time when we gather with family and friends, share delicious meals, and express our gratitude for things in our lives. Some of us have the tradition of going around the table and saying what we're thankful for. While this serves as a beautiful reminder of the importance of gratitude, let's take a moment to be curious about something.

Why do we limit this ritual to just one day a year?

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Grief Cheryl Perry Grief Cheryl Perry

Grief: A Nonlinear Journey of Healing

Grief is a complex and deeply personal emotion that accompanies loss. It's a process that is still often misunderstood; as much as we want grief to follow a straight path from pain to acceptance, it doesn't. Instead, it's a journey filled with twists and turns, marked by various stages that may shift and cycle.

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Anxiety & Stress, Self-Love, Relationships Cheryl Perry Anxiety & Stress, Self-Love, Relationships Cheryl Perry

Finding Friends as an Adult: Why It’s Hard but Still Worth It

Remember playing on the playground during recess as a kid? When another kid would wander up to you and proudly proclaim that they also have a Care Bear shirt? Or maybe you both noticed you were playing with the same toy dinosaur and excitedly started creating paths in the sand for your twin toys. And then bam! Just like that, you're the best of friends.

Don't you wish it was that easy today, as an adult? Just wander up to someone, strike up a conversation, and suddenly you have a vacation planned together? If only!

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Anxiety & Stress, Self-Love Cheryl Perry Anxiety & Stress, Self-Love Cheryl Perry

No Vacation, No Problem: Quick Self-Care Practices for Any Day

This time of year you might hear a lot about vacations. Maybe your friend has been texting you excitedly about their big vacation abroad. A neighbor might have asked you to house-sit while they're away. Maybe every time you look at social media you're confronted with pictures of new destinations, wonderful food, and smiling faces.

Maybe you're thinking, When is it my turn?

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Abby Jacobs Abby Jacobs

10 Positive Intentions for the New Year

This year, instead of New Year’s resolutions, set some New Year’s intentions. A positive mindset to your future challenges can make 2023 a wonderful year.

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