10 Positive Intentions for the New Year

For many, the New Year is a symbol of a fresh start. Some see it as a way to cleanse themselves of the old and embrace the new. We think of what we want for the future and what we'd like to avoid from the past. 

Around this time of year, you hear a lot about resolutions and goals, ways to "improve" in the new year and how to "keep on track." Unfortunately, sometimes these resolutions can leave us anxious, feeling guilty or overwhelmed by the pressures to "be better." Unfulfilled resolutions lead us to chastise ourselves and we end up beating ourselves down for what began as good aspirations. So what can we do to feel engaged and fulfilled this new year, without all the pressure and negativity? 

For 2023, instead of setting specific resolutions, I want you to set positive intentions. Instead of focusing on physical outcomes, I want you to focus on how you want to feel this year. How do you want to approach life transitions and decisions? In other words, how do you want to feel when life gives you challenges? What do you want to manifest in yourself? What principles do you hold dear and want to better practice? 

To help you, here are 10 examples of positive intentions:

1.  May I enjoy all life has to offer me.

Take everything this new year holds for you and look at it in a positive light. Recognize the hard times but see them as opportunities to grow. Embrace the good times and use them as motivation for the future.

2. It's ok to not be ok. 

Do you find yourself worrying about being anxious? And that in turn makes you even more anxious? Take a breath and set this intention. It's ok to be uncomfortable. If we felt perfectly happy 100% of the time, we'd never grow.

3. I am exactly where I need to be.

Believe that everything is going exactly as it should be in your life. When that pesky self-doubt or imposter syndrome gets in the way, remind yourself that you're on the right track.

4. Healthy boundaries are important and ok. 

Time with family can be stressful, but it doesn't always have to be. If you find that there are certain family members who cause more pain than happiness, set some boundaries. These boundaries help preserve your mental health and overall wellness and there is nothing wrong with that. 

5. May I praise myself for progress and forgive myself when I feel I've failed.

Don't forget to celebrate your successes, no matter how small! Did you have an exceptional week at the office? Did you successfully host a family dinner? Even if it's something as seemingly trivial as cleaning one room in your house, give yourself a pat on the back. If you feel you've stumbled and not accomplished what you've wanted to, forgive yourself and know that tomorrow is a new day. 

6. I deserve a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Health goals are one thing, but with this affirmation, you're setting the broader intention to appreciate and take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. For example, you are choosing to eat healthy food because it nourishes your body, you meditate because it soothes your spirit and you keep a gratitude journal because it gives you joy.

7. May I see challenges in a new light.

Set a positive tone to this year and attempt to see difficulties from a new perspective. Open yourself to seeing the other side of things.

8. The now is what is most important.

Presence is something that's hard to maintain these days with our phones, computers and countless other screens in our faces. By setting an intention of presence, we can approach life as it comes and not worry about the past or future. We can appreciate those in the moment with us and take each day as it comes.

9. I will find joy in even the smallest things.

Nothing is mundane in 2023. Appreciate how the light hits the leaves during an afternoon walk, actively participate in what would otherwise be small talk and truly savor the food that would otherwise be just another meal. 

10. I will create rituals that ground me.

This year, instead of thinking of creating new habits, instead focus on creating rituals that bring you joy. Make yourself your favorite beverage in the morning, take yourself for a walk in the afternoon without your phone or spend 30 minutes at the end of the day with a book. Whatever gives you joy is time well spent. 

Positive Intentions for a Positive New Year

I hope your New Year intentions lead you into a positive, bright new year and that you can greet each day with a hopeful heart, full of confidence and joy. If you would like a helping hand this year in setting intentions, particularly to help you combat anxiety, stress or difficult life transitions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here for you no matter where you are in your journey.

I would like to be clear that this blog post is not intended to substitute for professional counseling. If you are in need of support, please consider speaking to a professional counselor.

Cheryl D. Perry MA LCMHCA NCC


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