Beginner's Guide to Therapy (Part 3)

Happy Sunday!

You’ve made your first appointment with a new therapist. Now what? Some people think therapy is exactly like what they see on TV. And I can understand where this line of thinking comes from if you’ve never seen a counselor before. But keep in mind TV shows, for the most part, are for entertainment purposes. The shows writers can embellish or exaggerate certain aspects of the show to make it more appealing to viewers. When you see a therapist, it’s a collaborative relationship where you, the client, set the pace and you take about what you feel comfortable talking about. Keep in mind if you refuse to speak about certain subjects, your therapist may not be able to provide as much help as if you were to delve into your inner thoughts and feelings.

This article by Jeff Guenther helps you get an understanding of what to expect in your first few sessions and what not to expect.

I would like to be clear that this blog post is not intended to substitute for professional counseling. If you are in need of support, please consider speaking to a professional counselor.

Cheryl D. Perry MA LPCA NCC


Ready to start your mental health journey?


Beginner's Guide to Therapy (Part 4)


Beginner's Guide to Therapy (Part 2)